Sunday 8 March 2015

Update on TB Joshua's Court case

Another daye has been set for TB Joshua of synagogue church to appear in court after several invitation which he failed to honour, this time the court seem to be more serious and not sounding it like just an invitation or request that he appears but an advice and order surely for his own good because the court seem to have ran out of patience.
Secondly TB joshua has claimed earlier that the synagogue building must have collapsed due to rust and other technical failure in the system and foundation of the big synagogue church building and recently this has been claimed to be all lies or mere excuses to excape further interrogation and justice as investigation carried out recently by all possible means showed that the system of the building dowm to its foundation was in absolutely perfect condition and has ni possible trace of fault that could have lead to collapse at all let alone such a sudden one leading to mass murder.
Further updates shall be brought to you by vers. STAY TUNED

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